Friday, October 5, 2012

Ulu (Breadfruit) Wasabi Salad

Daughter Andee is mad for ulu so on a recent visit we spent hours, days experimenting with recipes. We collected ulu from 3 different sources, in various stages of ripeness. You want very ripe, rather soft fruit for sweet things, such as muffins and cookies, and not so ripe for savory... more like a potato. For the less ripe dishes you have to boil the whole ulu in water for about an hour before proceeding.

5# ulu (this is a lot so you might want to adjust to a smaller amount and proportion other ingredients) boiled about 1 hour, peel and cut into bit-size pieces (as for potato salad).

Whisk the following together and add to ulu:
1 cup Veganese
1/2 cup tamari or Braggs
1-2 Tbsp agave or honey
1 1/2 T. wasabi paste or to taste
1 1/2 tsp water or fresh coconut water
1/2 T dry mustard
1/2 T fresh dill

Mix and add:
3/4 cup finely sliced red cabbage
3/4 cup grated carrot
1 cup green onion or finely chopped sweet onion

Mix all. The ulu will soak up a lot of the sauce so don't be afraid to have the ulu pieces well coated. Keeps well in refrigerator.

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